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We believe that reproducibility is a key component of the scientific discovery process. To this end, for each article in the Visualization Corner of Computing in Science & Engineering, we have posted the necessary information to reproduce all the figures. In addition, for each article, we have created a blog entry that can be used as a forum for discussion and comments.

Each article is described by a unique vistrail, the entire history of the exploration process, that can be loaded into the VisTrails system. Each figure in the text is represented by a version (pipeline) in the history tree. Precompiled binaries and source code for VisTrails can be obtained from our Downloads site and Documentation is provided to learn how to use the system.

Provenance for Visualizations: Reproducibility and Beyond (Sep/Oct 2007)

Direct Volume Rendering: A 3D Plotting Technique for Scientific Data (Jan/Feb 2008)