Survey 2013
Revision as of 19:13, 5 June 2013 by Tommy (talk | contribs) (→What, if anything, limits your use of VisTrails (e.g. HPC support, unavailability of tools, complexity of interface, prefer scripting)?)
How long have you used VisTrails?
- Less than a month
- A few months
- About a year
- 2-5 years
- 5+ years
How often do you use VisTrails?
- Most days
- A few times a week
- Every once in a while
- Rarely
How were you introduced to VisTrails?
- Colleague
- Presentation by a VisTrails team member
- Web
- Publication
Which operating system(s) do you run VisTrails on?
- Windows 8
- Windows 7
- Windows Vista
- Windows XP
- Mac OS X 10.8
- Mac OS X 10.7
- Mac OS X 10.6
- Fedora Linux
- Ubuntu Linux
- SuSE Linux
- Debian Linux
- Other
Which of the following workflow tools have you used?
- Kepler
- Taverna
- OpenDX
- MeVisLab
- SCIRun
- Galaxy
- Other
Which of the following tools have you used?
- LaTeX
- Microsoft Office
How useful are the following features
(rate on "Not at all useful" <-> "Extremely useful")
- Version Tree
- Parameter Exploration
- Query-by-example
- Workflow analogies
- Visual Diff (between workflows)
- PythonSource module
- VisTrails Shell
- Execution Provenance Viewer
- Medleys
- crowdlabs integration
- Grouping
- Subworkflows
- Spreadsheet
Which included VisTrails packages do you regularly use?
- matplotlib
- Web services
- ImageMagick
- spreadsheet
- persistence
- Other (please specify)
What is your perception of the learning curve for VisTrails?
(Low <-> Steep)
If you have consulted the documentation, how helpful has it been?
(Not Helpful <-> Very Helpful)
How would you characterize the support resources (mailing list, Web page) available for VisTrails?
(Poor <-> Adequete <-> Excellent)
What are the most useful features of VisTrails (e.g. automatic provenance capture, interactive exploration)?
[Free Response]
What features would you like to see added to VisTrails?
- HPC support
- Unicode support
- convert workflow to/from script
[Free Response]
Do you develop a package for use with VisTrails?
- Yes
- No
How easy is it write a package for VisTrails?
(Very Easy <-> Very Difficult)
Which of the following types of existing libraries have you wrapped?
- Command-line tool suite
- Pure python library
- C/C++ library
- Java library
- Web services tools
- Other (Please specify)
Have you used CLTools to wrap command-line tools?
- Yes
- No
How is the documentation for writing packages?
(Poor <-> Excellent)
Have you written package upgrade code when releasing a new version of your package?
- Yes
- No
What could be improved about VisTrails package development (e.g. more examples, easier interface specification, more automated tools)?
[Free Response]