Projects using VisTrails

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Incomplete List of Projects that use VisTrails

  • Lifemapper

  • CMOP: "The Center for Coastal Margin Observation & Prediction (CMOP) seeks to develop and disseminate a new paradigm for conducting coastal-margin science, one that shifts from reactive to anticipatory science–i.e., from “observing and remediating” to “predicting and steering”–by taking advantage of the inherent power of structured integrations of information, methods and people: “collaboratories"

  • DataOne: "The Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) is poised to be the foundation of new innovative environmental science through a distributed framework and sustainable cyberinfrastructure that meets the needs of science and society for open, persistent, robust, and secure access to well-described and easily discovered Earth observational data."

  • ALPS: "The ALPS project (Algorithms and Libraries for Physics Simulations) is an open source effort aiming at providing high-end simulation codes for strongly correlated quantum mechanical systems as well as C++ libraries for simplifying the development of such code. ALPS strives to increase software reuse in the physics community."

  • Analyzing the results of astrophysics CFD simulations

  • VACET: "The Visualization and Analytics Center for Enabling Technologies (VACET) focuses on leveraging scientific visualization and analytics software technology as an enabling technology for increasing scientific productivity and insight. Advances in computational technology have resulted in an "information big bang," which in turn has created a significant data understanding challenge. This challenge is widely acknowledged to be one of the primary bottlenecks in contemporary science. Using an organizational model such as VACET, we are well positioned to respond to the needs of a diverse set of scientific stakeholders in a coordinated fashion using a range of visualization, mathematics, statistics, computer and computational science and data management technologies."

  • ParaView: "ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application. ParaView users can quickly build visualizations to analyze their data using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The data exploration can be done interactively in 3D or programmatically using ParaView's batch processing capabilities."

  • CDAT: "Climate Data Analysis Tools (CDAT) is a software infrastructure that uses an object-oriented scripting language to link together separate software subsystems and packages thus forming an integrated environment for solving model diagnosis problems."

  • crowdLabs: "crowdLabs is a social visualization repository for the scientific workflow management system VisTrails"

  • NBCR: "NBCR’s roles has been to anticipate and to ease the transition through technology changes for the biomedical community, thus allowing the community to harness the new capabilities without having to invest time to either redevelop codes or algorithms or implement on new machines. Thus, through bridging the gap between biomedical communities computing and more generally information technology needs and the advanced infrastructure (compute, data, visualization, software), the biomedical research community can stay focused on its own research."

  • NITRC: "The Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse (NITRC) facilitates finding and comparing neuroimaging resources for functional and structural neuroimaging analyses—including popular tools as well as those that once might have been hidden in another researcher's laboratory or some obscure corner of cyberspace."