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Vis Lunch!

Where: Conference Room WEB 3760

When: Friday noon

This semester Paul Rosen and Kristi Potter will be responsible
for organizing the VisLunch sessions. Please feel free to contact them
for any question regarding VisLunch or for scheduling a talk:

Paul Rosen

Kristi Potter

Information regarding the VisLunch sessions will posted on this wiki page (

If you are unaware, VisLunch provides everyone at SCI a platform to present their research work and/or the latest developments in the community that could benefit the rest of us. In addition, the meeting is a great forum to give practice talks and improve your presentation skills. Plus there's _free_ pizza, and it's a nice opportunity to meet new people. Please let either Paul or Kristi know if

1.) You've submitted work to a research venue (e.g. recent conferences like Siggraph) and would like to share your ideas;

2.) You are preparing a submission to an upcoming venue (e.g. IEEE Vis, Siggraph Asia, etc.) and would like to get some feedback;

3.) Your work has been accepted to some venue and you are preparing a presentation you would like to practice; or

4.) You've recently read a new publication and are fascinated by the ideas and wish to share them with the rest of us.

Please consider volunteering to give a presentation at some point! We're hoping that there will be enough presenters so that we don't cancel any future weeks.


September 03: Organization/Introduction & Yi Yang

Organization and Introductions

Quick discussion of vis lunch and introductions. Students attending should plan on giving a brief (5 minutes or so) oral description of what they have done with the last 3 months of their lives.

Speaker: Yi Yang

September 10: Developer's Symposium II


  • C-SAFE [Davison de St. Germain, John Schmidt]
  • SDC (Software Development Center) [Steve Callahan, John Schreiner]
  • Backscatter CT simulation, Non-rigid image registration [Yongsheng Pan]
  • KAUST, Sandia - Uncertainty Visualization [Kristi Potter]
  • Longitudinal data analysis [Stanley Durrleman, Marcel Prastawa]
  • FEBio/PreView/PostView [Steve Maas]

September 17: TBD


September 24: TBD


October 01: TBD


October 08: TBD


October 15: Fall Break - no Vis Lunch

October 22: TBD


October 29: VisWeek 2010 - no Vis Lunch

November 05: TBD


November 12: TBD


November 19: TBD


November 26: Thanksgiving - no Vis Lunch

December 03: TBD


December 10: TBD
