Datasets and Descriptions
This page is dedicated to datasets that are acceptable for use in the Book. As many of these data are extremely large, I have not posted them here, instead, I will make sure to go through and put some images next to each description to give an idea of the overall structure of each dataset.
Synthetic Datasets
Three Spheres
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Three Spheres with Gaussian Noise
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Standard Datasets
- Unstructured Tet-Mesh in .off format.
- Unstructured Tet-Mesh in .off format.
- Unstructured Tet-Mesh in .off format.
- Regular Grid in .raw/.nrrd format.
- Regular Grid in .raw/.nrrd format.
Collaborator-generated Data
Columbia River
- Unstructured Prism Mesh converted to .vtk format.
Tokamak Fusion
- Unstructured Hex Mesh converted to .vtk format.
Cosmology Simulation
- Point cloud converted to .vtk format